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how to over come the crisis?

The merciless punishment to bulls across the globe are continuing.....Now in this non programmed sell off, there is no relevance for technical levels or fundamental values. I do not want to say this is the bottom or right time for investment. but i can say the story of stock market is not going to end. Here is some ways to diversify your energy during this financial crisis.

Do more SIP's.

In a falling market nothing other than systematic investment will make sense. So put some effort to aquire maximum no of SIPs from your customers. Do not ask for big amounts, tell them to invest Rs 500 or 1000 every month. nothing more than that. This will bring you cumulative revenue month after month.

Do Some Mediclaims

Now hospital expenses are rapidly increasing. surely there is scope for selling mediclaim policies to your customers. You can earn good commission by selling this products. sell policies with premium Rs 4000 to 8000 only.

Do Vehcle insurance.

All your clients should have a vehcle and it is compulsory to insure their vehcle every year. you get good commission for this business. in case of third pary insurace levy some service charge from clients

Restructure clients portfolio

Now review your portfolio and restructure it to include more dividend stock and defencive stocks. an optimum portfolio mix should be 50% dividend stock 25% defencive stock 25% growth stock

Manage your Expenses

the last but not the least, reduce your expenses as much as possible. cost reduction is simplest way to overcome any crisis.positive thinker always see opportunity in every difficulty. negetive thinker always see difficulty in every opportunity.

with loveSimple vas


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