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UGC pay scale revision, a prime step for talent hunting.

It is a fact that quality of college lecturers across universities are coming down for the last few decades. And it is the great challenge before us to proceed with our higher education mission. Unless otherways truely talented and acadamically rich personalities are available there is no meaning in setting up new universities and new courses.
The existing pay scale structure is not all sufficient to attract young talents to the pool of college lectures. Though India is well known for its people talent, most of our intellectuals migrating to other countris and non teaching job in search of higher reward. i view the new pay scale revision implimented for college lectures is good beginning in the area of quality improvement in country's higher education.
Obeviously this salary hike will act as an incentive for the young generation to rethink their career choice back to lecturing. It is interesting to hear that promotion of lecturers are mostly depends on their performace. so it imapart an urgent need in the minds of all to be comtent with the forthcoming environment.
Thogh prposed retirement age hike not implimented this year, it is not in a long distance. when UGC recommend to hike the age to 65 kerala cannot stand long with its lowest age limit of 55. But the irony is retiring teachers filed complaint against ministry for not hiking retirment. i do not think it is their right, it is a policy matter no one claim to hike or maintain it at a particular level.
To conclude, please admit the environment is dynamic and fast changing, we have to be prapared for facing these challenges.
wiht luv


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