Today in our colleges it may be difficult to find students who are serious in their study. Most of them are in search of short cuts to pass the exam. The real spirit for knowledge hunt is lacking in many campuses. The restructured carriculam also fuled this trend as it deos not require indepth study for a pass. The students of the present generation are not much concerned about the opportunities before them. actually they have ample opportunites before them but a planned appraoch is needed to grab such opportunities. More emphesis is needed from the part of Univesity, teachers and students for inclucating value to our contemporary education. I keep on advising my students that please do not think about marks rather learn for the sake knowledge. becuase knowledge is power, you will get rewarded for all your learning efforts in the coming days.
The University Grants Commission offers two years deputation with salary and increments to the teachers of colleges and universities under its Faculty Development Programme (FDP) for doing full time PhD/Mphil. Generally this fellowship is awarded to every teacher who applies for the same in the proper format. So it’s all about formalities rather than merit. Here I am explaining the complete process of availing FDP Scheme of UGC. Step 1: Principal should circulate a notice among teaching staff to apply for FDP scheme UGC – Get signature of all faculty members on this notice. Step 2: The interested teacher fellow should submit an application in writing to principal – 20% of the total faculty can avail FDP scheme at a time. All teachers with 3 years of service and 1 year valid registration are eligible for application for FDP subject to reservations Step 3: Principal sent a request to Registrar of University to nominate an expert to the selection committee to be formed for the se...
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